• Question: What inspired you to get into Science?

    Asked by isabelkwilkinson to Amy, Grant, Martin, Shawn, Usman on 12 Mar 2013. This question was also asked by hina888.
    • Photo: Shawn Domagal-Goldman

      Shawn Domagal-Goldman answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I’m a dreamer, and I love thinking about the stuff I used to read about and see in science fiction books and movies. Being a scientist has let me keep thinking about those things, and get paid to do it! I can’t tell you how much fun that is. I LOVE IT! 😀

    • Photo: Martin Archer

      Martin Archer answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Mine is similar to Shawn. I used to be fascinated by books and TV programs about science: from atoms to the stars and black holes it was all so cool to me and I wanted to know more. At university I found that I really enjoyed being challenged by having to solve problems and think hard about things too, which is why I became a scientist.

    • Photo: Usman Kayani

      Usman Kayani answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I was inspired by time travel! I loved reading H.G.Wells The Time Machine and watched every single movie that had some reference of time travel. The concept of time simply fascinated me, that it exists now but tomorrow also exists right now just further away from us in time. From then I was fascinated with the nature of time and space and wanted to learn more; but I wasn’t that good at math at school and I didn’t really like it at the time. So I decided I was going to become a computer scientist because I was good at that and so I picked my subjects at college according to that. At college, everything changed. Maths started to become fun, useful and it just blew my mind when I thought about how math is everywhere in the universe; that’s what got me back into physics and rekindled my love for thinking about time. I guess time wasn’t ready to let me go just yet.

    • Photo: Amy Tyndall

      Amy Tyndall answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I’ve been interested in all things space-related since I was in primary school – my Mum still has a picture I drew when I was 8 years old showing a rocket travelling to the stars! So I’m not sure what kicked it off from such a young age. But I think it was actually sci-fi shows like Star Trek that got me more interested in studying astronomy seriously, and from then on I was obsessed… Books, videos, bedding, clothes, anything you can think of to do with space, I had to have it!

    • Photo: Grant Kennedy

      Grant Kennedy answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      For me it was going outside at night and looking up at the stars, I find it very cool that the Earth is just a tiny planet that orbits a pretty normal star in the Milky Way. I thought it would be fun to try to figure out where we fit in, and it is, and yeah, we get paid for it!
