• Question: Was there ever a time when you did not enjoy one/some of the sciences?

    Asked by imogen98 to Amy, Grant, Martin, Shawn, Usman on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Martin Archer

      Martin Archer answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I’ll be honest, I didn’t always like science as it was taught in class. You have to cover a lot of the basic ideas in school so that if you take it further then you get to do the more complex but cool stuff. I knew from reading popular science there was lots of cool stuff from time travel paradoxes to atoms popping out of existence from nothing and I was a bit impatient and wanted to know more about them right there and then. I did have a great teacher at A-Level though who would always bring me another book the next lesson and say “there you go read that” whenever I asked a tough question. When I go to schools I try and link the ideas in class to pop music as well as what I think are some cool bits of Physics research currently being done.

    • Photo: Amy Tyndall

      Amy Tyndall answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      I actually went off Physics in my GCSE years! But it was my A-level teacher who changed my mind in the end, and gave me the confidence to apply for a University course. Biology was my favourite science for many years, but my passion for space never went away… And here I am! 🙂

    • Photo: Grant Kennedy

      Grant Kennedy answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      I think mostly they’ve been good, but there must be lots of times when I didn’t enjoy science. At school it was mostly just because I didn’t relate to the topic, or perhaps a teacher wasn’t presenting it in a way that liked.

      It still happens now, I have to do work for other people (my collaborators) and sometimes I don’t think they’re doing their fair share of the work. Thankfully I mostly get to choose the people I work with, so if I think they’re lazy I just go work with someone else!
