• Question: Was there any point in your life when you didn't like science?

    Asked by georgiareadman to Amy, Grant, Martin, Shawn, Usman on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Shawn Domagal-Goldman

      Shawn Domagal-Goldman answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      There have been times that I didn’t like my job. Sometimes I’ve been frustrated with my bosses, or with the rules I have to follow. And sometimes I work so hard I don’t know how I wake up in the morning. And when I was in school, sometimes the classes were really, REALLY hard for me!

      But those are the types of problems that exist with just about every career! So I’ve never “not liked science.” But I have disliked some of the stuff in my “science job.”

    • Photo: Grant Kennedy

      Grant Kennedy answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Like Shawn, I always like science, but sometimes I have what I call “bad science days” when things don’t go right. This is usually because something was hard or didn’t work out how I wanted it to, which is just part of being a scientist. Any job has bad days!

    • Photo: Amy Tyndall

      Amy Tyndall answered on 16 Mar 2013:

      Actually, I really went off Physics for a while during my GCSE’s – I didn’t really like the teacher I had, and that can make all the difference. This changed when I got to A-Level, and I had a very enthusiastic, helpful teacher – he helped me to push through to where I am today!
